Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just Another Day in the Life

Today I got to do some more troubleshooting for the Novartis SAP accelerator. Keith and I ran through every test that had passed at some point to make sure more problems had not arisen. Lo and behold, we encountered failures in components that worked perfectly fine in previous weeks. It's such a load of crap. I was informed by Kim today that I may be featured in an upcoming project for Siemens in Philadelphia starting next Monday and lasting the month of October. I suppose that would be alright, though Philly has the worst airport in the fucking country and I do not look forward to the flights in and out of the city. I played some more Sphinx, and I think I'm getting damn close to the end of the game, but I could be entirely wrong. I am really enjoying the mummy puzzles. I love the fact that no matter how clever they are, it's pretty clear what you need to do to progress in the level. I didn't think I'd end up liking Sphinx that much, but you can go ahead and color me surprised. I ended up going to lunch with Neil and Kyle for some 25 cent chicken wings (a dozen for $3.21? Color me satisfied!) where they gushed on about Halo 3. We made plans for the evening involving going to Neil's place and frittering the night away by killing endless waves of Covenant and Flood. Now, I can't honestly say I'm that big a fan of Halo. As far as FPSes go, it's way too slow for me. I need a twitch game like Unreal Tournament to keep my interest. However, in the time I spent playing the game at Neil's, I can't deny that I had a fun time with it. We had a hell of a time getting on XBox Live and Kyle repeatedly broke Neil's internet for which he was ridiculed with respite. Nubs and I stayed for quite awhile, until nearly midnight, when he decided he needed to go home and get to bed so he'd be ready for work. When we arrived back home, Jim had a story to tell about a woman he met at the Cincinnati airport who seemed particularly interested in him. Unfortunately, she had a child, and Jim was not okay with that at his age. I don't blame him, I'm not okay with that either. Having kids is for the birds, I'm not even gonna think about trying to do that until I'm about 30. It's now 3AM on Wednesday and I think it's time for me to play some Sphinx in my bedroom!

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