Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Today is Labor Day

So today is Labor Day. That really doesn't mean much to me, considering I didn't do anything special to celebrate it. I woke up at 1:30PM and went online, checking the usual websites and such. I read some Achewood strips and found a website which details how to fight with a stick. I really liked the art on this site so I made a buddy icon out of one of the images. Adam asked about it and I explained its origin, then he proceeded to show me screenshots of Eve, which I honestly have little to no interest in. I've been waiting for the Otakon pics, so I harassed him for them, and finally they came through. I told Alicia I would show them to her, but she ended up going to bed before I got them. I still need to upload them to a web server. I went with Derek to Michallynn's to grab his wallet and ended up staying to watch her play some Guitar Hero. She offered some spinach stuffed tortellini which I snarfed down with gusto. Derek and I then provided her with some pointers as I played with the cat in the meantime. He looks like he was trying to headbutt a concrete block and I think I mention this every time I go to her place. We talked about the strengths of each other's glasses and offered to take out an unused TV stand. Derek and I left it to the side of the dumpster and drove away, passing a white vehicle which supposedly never moves from its designated corner. When we returned we did not know if Jim and Nubs would still be friends, for there was a bit of a scuffle on Friday, but it turns out they worked through their differences. Jim installed UT2003 and we fragged for a map or two, then Derek turned into a pansy and quit playing. At this point I loaded up and played some Smash Bros. Melee just to see how bad I really suck at it (pretty bad, as it turns out) and attemped to increase my skill level with some luck. In the meantime Derek loaded up some crappy old ROMs such as Bayou Bill and Nightmare on Elm Street until he felt like going to bed. I copied Jim's Smash Bros. data to my card as to not need to unlock everything again and played a bit until I got bored with it, then loaded Fark and checked some stupid news. Then I realized I should make my post for today, and this is it. I think this blog may also help me increase my memory capacity, as I will mention every trivial event I can possibly remember each time I make a post.

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