Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One Beer Under God

Yesterday was pretty routine, did the usual hanging around the house and all instead of working. I played some Sphinx and made some progress, got Jim to demo a Shadowrun battle for me, and now that I think of it, actually did do some work. Monday is Brew Works night, and also a small goon meet. Nubs and I arrived around 7 and quickly found Nick and Adam at the bar. I was attempting to sit down when a fellow goon, Drew, noticed us and asked if we were "from the internet". After getting his expected affirmative response, we grabbed a table and a few pitchers of beer and had a grand old time getting blasted. We sat around and BSed about a little bit of everything, and I think somehow plans were made to play some video games and do some drinking at my apartment amid the turmoil. Adam got increasingly drunk and loud as the night went on and somehow ended up breaking a glass at the end of the night. Eugene loaded up a video on Adam's iPod of a Burger King ad in which a guy acts like a snake and swallows a fucking triple Whopper in one bite. This got us on the topic of Asians in CMU somehow, and allowed us to riff on Alex a bit. We found out Drew and Eugene went to PTI as well and managed to do their time and grab some web development jobs. So after much merriment and a busted glass, we headed out. I was a bit tipsy on the drive home but definitely able to drive, and did so with no problems. I arrived home, got berated as usual, and went to bed right before midnight. All in all a fun night.

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