Thursday, September 6, 2007

Boring Day to Party Day

I am actually writing this the day after I should have, on account of drinking yesterday and not feeling like typing a long and drawn out blog post. Yesterday I stumbled out of bed around 9AM. I had 2 bowls of Lucky Charms to go along with the usual web browsing of the morning. I do not recall doing anything of particular importance during the afternoon, though I do remember running the F-28 transaction with new data and got it to pass. Around 4:30 I got a call from Levi. He told me that Chris was having a birthday party and I was invited. I had originally made plans to go to Dom's place and visit with him and Cliff, but considering I hadn't seen either Levi or Chris for quite some time, I decided to go to the old nostalgia hub of Clearfield road. Before leaving I got a message on MSN from Ben asking if I wanted to go with him to get wings. I had to decline his offer, but mentioned that Sean would probably show up this weekend and he was invited if that was the case. I waited till around 6, jumped in my car, and left. Thankfully there wasn't an obscene amount of traffic, just the usual congestion on 279 and 28 that I am used to seeing. There was a guy in a big ass GMC truck with dualies that seemed very lost, and when I was along side him, made me very nervous. In the end he got where he needed to go as far as I could tell, and really couldn't care less if he didn't. I drove through all the fucking construction along 28 without incident. Actually, I drove the whole way to Levi's place without incident. I got out of my car and made my way to the door, Boo howling away in the background. Levi got the door and offered unto me some scrumptious victuals, namely tater tots and hot sausages. I scarfed some of that up, then we meandered over to Gary and Kathy's place. There I was greeted by Christopher, the man of the hour, his cousins Justin and Sarah, Kathy, Rayya, and Gary. We exchanged niceties and then proceeded to do some drinking. We discussed various issues and situations in life, and after awhile decided go to for a joyride in Chris's Jeep. He blasted some Ozzy and we headbanged our way up and down the road for a little while. After this joyride we stopped back in at Chris's place and we decided a trip to the T-bar was in order. We loaded up in Chris's Jeep with Chook as the driver and headed over, standing up and screaming at the top of our lungs the whole way. Tonight was to be a good night. We got to the bar and... well, typical redneck bar, only no karaoke that night, at least not officially. I bought the man of the hour a drink or two, bought a few for Rayya, even bought one for Kathy. Heather was bar tending and made a wicked mean drink called a Screamin' Betty. Those shits we're great. I probably chugged down 5 or 6 while we were there. The whole time I sat around conversing with all my old buddies from the area, talking about my inadequacies with women and plans for the future and whatnot. Then Rayya, Chris and I got into a discussion about his failed relationship with Jess. We helped him open his eyes to certain aspects of her personality, and he finally accepted (I think) that he was better off without her. We rode home, Chook at the helm, in a more somber mood, and I crashed on Chook's couch. I woke up the next day at about 5AM and fought the morning traffic to get back into Pittsburgh before my conference call at 9AM.

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