Monday, September 3, 2007

Discipline Mechanism

Starting today, I plan on writing at least one thing in my blog to try to help myself get into some sort of routine. It will mainly consist of trivial things done on a day to day basis, but will hopefully help me get motivated and disciplined enough to start doing other things which require motivation and discipline. I'm not really gonna try writing this for it to be read, I'm just going to write it for myself.

Day before Labor Day

Went with Derek to Michallynn's, Toni's friends were there, we felt weird and left. Went home, played UT2003 until Derek's goddamn computer froze up. Played some FFXII, beat 3 hunts from Nalbina then went to McDs to get free nuggets from Nubs. Talked to Kyle, agreed with him that Bioshock, Supernatural and 70s-80s rock soundtracks are amazing. Thinking about cooking out tomorrow, gonna ask potential guests what they wish to bring out of a selection of food or alcohol. It's 6AM and I'm tired.

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