Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's the end of November

Seems like I missed posting quite a few times, mainly because I'm lazy and didn't feel like writing about anything in particular. Tuesday is now taco day at Castaways in Bridgeville. This means that from now on, I'm going to stuff my face with 11-15 tacos worth of food. I think this is bad for my health, but look at me not giving a shit. I don't use hot sauce on them so it's not like I'm going to be shitting lava the next day, though I'll probably get a little plugged up. Before tacos, I fucked around with work stuff and played Smash Bros. with Matt and Nubs. I was getting pissed because nothing was going right, Mario's stupid ass kept missing all the platforms and whatnot. Eventually I won a match as Donkey Kong, but goddamn it took forever. I haven't really done any work on the project at hand for work, but I think with a few solid hours put into the project, I'll have something usable before the end of the month. At least that's the hope. I need to find out of Flight of the Concords is coming out on DVD anytime soon, because those motherfuckers make me laugh a lot. It's like a less vulgar and more awkward Tenacious D, and I could not be more happy with the outcome. I closed the day off by posting some nonsense in BYOB, something I regularly do to punctuate the day with a happy, sleepy little period or sometimes even a soothing question mark. I think I may start playing Super Mario Galaxy again from a fresh save, I have a large amount of love for the game and could see myself finishing it yet again. That's about it for tonight, goodnight all!

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