Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Joke in the Machine

Thank goodness I figured out the bug in the migration utility, it's really off-putting when record counts don't match up and you can't understand why. Tomorrow I shall test it on the unwitting system. Things next week should be pretty cool. I've been wanting to at least walk around Nashville since I started making regular trips down and it just may happen this time around. Even if it's nothing spectacular, it'll be something to do to kill an afternoon.

There once was a thief. This thief was distinct from ordinary thieves for he only sought the most valuable of commodities: knowledge. Reports of his burglaries baffled police; car gloveboxes broken into to steal instruction manuals, libraries raided, department stores with instructionless appliances, mailboxes with the names and numbers peeled off. Knowledge, the most valuable resource of all, was being hoarded by one man, leaving the world worse for wear.

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