Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Migration Utility Ideas

A short (or not so short) list of features to include in the migration utility GUI:
  • Source/Destination project browsing by tree control (implemented)
  • Attachment count/link count per project (not implemented)
  • Total size of all attachments (not implemented)
  • Listing of test linkages (not implemented)
  • Validate valid source/destination fields via dropdown list (not implemented)
  • Validate valid source/destination field values (list fields only) via dropdown list (not implemented)
  • Allow creation of freeform transform code (not implemented)
  • Allow creation of transform code via wizard (not implemented)
  • Allow creation of transform sheets for each module: Requirements, Test Plan, Test Lab, Defects (not implemented)
  • Allow user to choose migration options including: Migration without attachments, selecting source folder and destination folder when dealing with Test Plan and Test Lab modules (not implemented)
  • Allow user to create destination folder on the fly by pulling destination directories into a tree control (not implemented)
If any other neat idea crosses my mind, I'll be sure to add it.

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