Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get it Together!

Once again I am posting a blog entry from work in an attempt to keep my brain stimulated if and when something comes through the pipeline.  We've been operating this way for nearly a month and it's pretty awful.  If I'm going to be driving here every fucking week to work, then by god give me some fucking work to complete!  I'm chatting on Facebook and doing quizzes and waiting, waiting, waiting.  I can't even do a remote login to my development environment at home to improve my programming chops somewhat so I'm just stagnating here.

I suppose on the upside I am talking to a high school buddy of mine whom I have not had a rapport with since 2007 or so.  He has changed a bit, seems a lot calmer but still generally the same.  Perhaps I will hang out with him someday.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last work day of the week of May 17th, 2009, EVER

Today I woke up on time.  I woke up earlier than on time, as a matter of fact.  Flew through the usual routine and got to work 10 minutes early today!  Got in, browsed the web for a bunch of seconds, updated my Twitter photo and took about 10 Facebook quizzes.  Apparently the VDA is finally loaded into EDW, ready for further perusing this afternoon.  Surprisingly.  Hope Jason won't mind me leaving at around 3 today, I'd love to beat traffic and have a little bit of time at home before heading to Georgia tomorrow.  Ah, I suppose I'll find out soon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Work? Feh.

So I'm posting a blog entry from work.  So what.  I woke up late today.  Fuck me.  Thankfully nothing has changed since yesterday so I didn't miss out on anything.  This project is trying my patience, I don't understand why it's so hard to set up a fucking test environment correctly.  

Midas raided my coffers and pulled out a crispy Benjamin for a front-end alignment the employee himself said I didn't really need; however the brand new tires on my car's front end and my grandpap's auto-mechanical eye and consequent advice made it worthwhile to me.  Besides, I paid for that alignment with one journey to Gaithersburg, meaning it was as good as free to me so whatever.  I went to a fucking TASTY sushi place called Momo Taro for lunch while waiting for my car.  God DAMN was it good.  Freshest sushi I've ever had.  I had a Crazy Cowboy roll, tobiko, and octopus and wow-wee!  I'll have to frequent the place a lot more often.

Jason's call is nearly over so perhaps we'll get some sort of worthwhile update on the testing environment.  Here's hoping!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Existential Musings

Being a computer programmer makes it very easy to delve into existential thoughts.  The more one thinks about the inner workings of such a machine, the more one realizes a system, reliant on the same principles but sufficiently advanced in speed and capacity could recreate this reality of ours.  The predisposition to reading works of sci-fi and especially Philip K. Dick's version of the world seems a perfectly natural interest.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bands to Check Out

From Jason Marty:


From Mark Ellis:

Fu Manchu
Cave In - Antenna
Saviours - Into Abbadon

From Matt Humphrey:
Big Black (not rapper)
The Jesus Lizard