Monday, August 18, 2008

I am terrible at this... (Part I)

Well then, I haven't put anything up on this bitch since February! I am a totally disciplined type of guy! Innumerable events have transpired since my last entry, among them the most tragic and most uplifting. I will not soon forget this year. We could start off around... June I suppose. I turned 23 without incident nor celebration, mentioning it offhandedly to Mr. Schubert. Jim got me some sushi from a place on McKnight road where we witnessed one man's bold first attempt to ingest the nautical substance. He had the game on easy mode though, he was just trying eel. This was well and good excepting the fact that I though I had broken Sterling and was kind of stressed out the rest of the night until Skip and I put our heads together and found a way to undo my misdeed. Thank god we did not invoke the rage of Bedard, that was something I was not prepared to deal with. I returned, broke Sterling once more when I botched a request from Rob Myatt and also healed that wound up (mostly) and soon afterwards was placed in a project placement trebuchet aimed squarely at a Dutch company headquartered in an American city, De Lage Landen. Now this, my friends, started out as a complete cluster. Normally when I'm on a project I'm on from the beginning and hold out till the very end. Not so with this one. I was feeling my way around for quite some time, trying to get a handle on the intricate system of nigger-rigged pieces and parts held together by a digital thread so thin a butterfly's sneeze could send the whole damn infrastructure tumbling into a pile of broken dreams and laid-off employees. It was a little rough, as I was planted on the DLL project as well as the Sterling project for a week, so I felt my way through the twisted vines of Dutch IT along with the nagging split ends and skin tags left on the Sterling project since I didn't want to leave Ed and Skip all alone in their misery. Eventually, Sterling healed up somewhat and I finally got a chance to devote my attention to the next headache, getting functional tests out of the brick-house-on-stilts DLL environment. Thankfully, I was spared having to get my hands too messy by a vacation planned a month earlier to visit my good friend Jason down in Savannah, Georgia.

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