Monday, February 4, 2008

Blogbekizstan (or the uneventful weekend)

Hi there self! since I'm the only one that reads this anyhow, I guess I'm the only one who needs to be addressed on here! I honestly am not sure if there are any noteworthy things to report on today. The weekend's over and unfortunately it wasn't that eventful. Went with Matt and Nubs to Adam's place on Friday night and drank some.

While there we discussed the merits of a German heritage which my brother is apparently vehemently supportive of. Personally, heritage means as much to me as Tom Cruise's (much needed) vasectomy so naturally I feigned interest and continued to drink. I had a little bit of everything and was full to bursting by the end of the night, at which point i laid down on the couch and slept the rest of the night away. The buffalo chicken pizza was pretty tight though, I enjoyed it though it started to get challenging to put it away towards the end of the night. We woke up around 10 and hung at Adam's place for a few hours while Matt insisted he buy some ammo for his AK47 so we could go "somewhere" and shoot some stuff up. This, however did not happen Saturday and instead we spent our time hanging out at the apartment.

Dom ended up messaging me and proclaiming his boredom, from which he wanted relief. I offered to be his life preserver and brought him over to hang out for a bit. Amanda showed up after a while and we went to Max and Erma's. This was an interesting bit in the mostly dull weekend, for we had a 20 minute wait and Matt and Nubs made it a point to be as loud and vulgar as they could while surrounded by children. Nubs was just about ready to break the gumball machine in the foyer to pieces to grab the $20 bills hidden in it when we were called to our seats. Once there, Nubs acted like a complete ass and Dom was denied a drink for a defaced ID. I got a Sangaria, and downed it with gusto. For most of our stay, most of my friends were talking shit on the waiter, which I felt was completely unfounded. Sure, he denied Dom a drink, but really didn't do anything deserving of mention. It did take an unusually long time to get our food, but once we got it I was swamped with goodness. They have a really amazing steak salad and I plan on ordering it again in the future. Alas, the trip to the VFW with Derek and Michallynn did not come through as her uncle was pulled from life support earlier in the day, but I still managed to salvage the day.

I took Matt to an interview he didn't have at McDonald's. For all the bitching managers apparently do about the lack of crew people, they don't seem eager to hire Matt. Since that didn't happen, we moseyed on over to Wal-mart and I picked up some essential rations, namely donuts, pretzels, and cereal, not to mention a ham and cheese loaf. Delicious. I reformatted Matt's computer, dropped him off, and realized the fucker didn't have an Ethernet port driver installed... lovely. I gave up on it, telling him to hold out 'till Monday, at which I plan on fixing it for him. The night was rounded out by watching a few episodes of Scrubs, followed by a short Derek rant on Nubs and his personality, and a cordial goodnight. Considering I have some work to do tomorrow, I best be off to bed. Goodnight to all you lovely, lovely person.

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