Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trekking the Bleak Wasteland of Corporate America

Of certain import is my situation, oh blogulant ones. I work as a traveling software tester. They pay me to go to their offices, I do my best to help them fix their shitty programs. This time, I was sent off to one of the more unsatisfying adventures of my career. I was sent to the Newest Jersey, home of Snooki and other such distasteful guidos in order to help baby soap manufacturing giant Johnson and Johnson solve a problem. I will not bore you to bones with technical details but suffice to say I am merely retreading established pathways. The issue with this is the trekking itself. You see, the J&J offices are located in scenic buttfuck egypt, NJ. I am there from Sunday night until Friday afternoon every week. The problem being that I get no time at my house. I bought my house with the intent to live in it, but it appears that will not be the case as I've gotten a solid two months of actual living time out of the place. It is more of a winter home, one that I inhabit one full day a week. That being said, I stewed on the issue and decided it may be about time for a job switch.

Today marks the first day of the search. Granted all I did was fill out profiles on Career Builder and Monster to attract some interest with likely candidates, but it's a start. I would find it quite lovely to end up in a position with far, far less non-local travel (as in no travel) as of right now it's bothering me to the point of wanting to be done with it all (not a shotgun mouthwash, mind you). I shall use this as a checkpoint and wait to see how things end up.

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