Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Transferrence

Wrote this some time ago in a quaint analog notebook. Gonna do my best to transfer it verbatim.


The exorbitant amount of unequality today stuns me. However, I see it may be necessary to continue the current trend of society. However, I wish to know the ultimate goal of it all. Where do we go from here? All I see are signs of regression, economies which have gone down the shitter, and our land, the world-leader in so many fields, has become so xenophobic as to inspire tears. However, it could be due to more coverage by the media. Either way, I don't see a unified global community ever taking shape, seeing as how man has always defined himself by those he likes least. Life breeds conflict, nay, life is conflict, and without strife, the world would be something it's not meant to be: perfect. Matters on a global scale are near impossible to deal with, so maybe it's best to leave our politicians to decide how to better their world. Why are those least qualified to lead most eager to? Do they believe that positions of power will make up for their lack of competence at life? What leads them to believe this? And most importantly, why do we let them? There are millions of people who reside in this country, why are they so easily influenced by a fucking flashing box? Damn these unanswerable questions. My goal, if I were to become filthy rich, would be to create a country where only those who I deemed intelligent and strong willed enough would combine like minds and develop things beneficial to mankind. Such things would include an alternative energy source, elimination of currency, and fireworks. Fireworks are cool, no matter how you look at them. They're as bright and loud as a war, but without the side effect of death.

[Insert island diagram here]

The island itself would in fact be built by incorporating the native topography of the island, thereby creating a "cave village" so to speak. It would be impeccably clean, and a model for places around the globe. We would develop an efficient recycling system and treat the surrounding forest as an ancient, rare, and valuable antique. It would be great. I think as a hive of bees sometimes. Well, a beehive that passes its messages to completely non-related species, such as wild boars or humpback whales. I'm scatterbrained, like Jenga when you lose. Thought collection occurs as in a crane game, I might get lucky and pick one up, but otherwise it's another quarter down the drinks. I've tried to block emotion because it's scary. It's difficult to deal with. I believe this is a problem that prevents my mingling and coupling with those of the fairer sex. The ones with big boobs who are not Chris Farley (RIP). There are waves, in a minute I'm a jumble of smiles, within 5 more I am a sulking pincushion. However, these momentary lapses give me insight to things I may not already realize and almost certainly cannot change. The sands of time continue shifting as we are left to fall helplessly into the cracks it creates. I think I've changed reasons why I like music, the sound itself is what hooked me before, but I now realize imagery is the main component in good music. If I can't get a decent image from a song, chances are I won't much care for it. This explains my love for Clutch, I just can't get enough of their obscenely surreal imagery. I'm the best person at putting myself down, anything I think of something to do, I realize there is something better out there already and it puts a damper on my state of mind. I scratch my head often. I think it's because my brain is allergic to thinking. I hate when people look at me, they should let me stay invisible along the wall as a chameleon, meaning no harm and getting in nobody's way. I like when people look at me, however, in a non-condescending manner. I am a human, a natural attention whore. This is why I believe we must have evolved from apes, they are just as loud and obnoxious as your average human. Therein lies the omnipresent life = confict. Well, I believe therein lies relief of stress, time to go back on the computer

[Insert chimp jacking off graphic]

Well, that was embarrassing. My way of thinking has not changed much, but my level of self-expression has (hopefully) improved from this. I do believe this was a stream-of-consciousness exercise, however.

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