Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunset over Allegheny

I am getting excited. Only a few more weeks before the yearly vacation down south, and this year, plans to seek out a more permanent domicile. This is going to be a helluva ride.

I talked to my agent yesterday and somewhat hammered out the details of my visit. I'm gonna line up a few places for visitation, a few awesome places I would not mind inhabiting. I've got plans, ideas, and fun things in mind and lined up for the ready. I've got visions of getting a little truck, a trailer, and a jet ski/dune buggy/boat. I've got visions of uprooting any stupid trees, killing any stupid grass, and installing a big motherfucker of a saguaro cactus. I've got visions of lounging around in a large pool, sipping alcoholic drinks, and peeing liberally.

My great white hope hinges on businesses steering clear of any properties I've got my eye on to give me a fighting chance. I'm hoping for a quick, clean sweep. I'm tempted to put an offer in on one house before even visiting it in person, however I feel that would be too much of a gamble seeing as I'd be stuck there for a few years in case there are any issues. Thankfully, for every house that I like which disappears off the market, it seems two crop up to take its place. I'm going to take a bunch of pictures, compare some strengths and weaknesses, and if I'm lucky, be able to put in an offer before the end of the first day of searching.

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