Monday, May 16, 2011

A Partial Dream Journal

Felt I should record a recent dream for posterity. It creeped me out to the core, due to the physics present in the head simulation. Note that this covers only a small portion of the dream, not the entire thing. It's worth skipping the introduction and irrelevant details to preserve the brevity and impact of the place. It started with me and a few vaguely familiar people traipsing through an urban wasteland in search of a pot-farm. We poked through an impossibly long row of abandoned bars, stores, and shacks in our pursuit of weed. Seeing as I don't even really like getting high in real life, I'm going to assume our quest was to steal and resell the merchandise for a quick profit. Eventually, and finally, after poking through countless bric-a-brac laced storefronts we had found the one. In the back of the place was a sort of trap door that lead to the base of operations located below ground. The room featured climate control and irrigation for the plants, and was very well maintained. There was also what looked like a bathroom door in this area. After such a long and tiring trek my bladder was filled to bursting, so I decided I would check out this room.

It would me no exaggeration to say the place was ripped straight from a Resident Evil game, albeit one which allowed for rooms with variable dimensions and ludicrous liquid physics. It resembled a dilapidated school gym shower room with a wall of toilet stalls at the main entrance. It was stained, dimly lit, and smelled of sweat and brimstone. From that description, it seems none too menacing, but the eeriest quality was the apparent sound dampening. There was no characteristic echo heard when performing any action in the room, and the air pressure seemed oddly increased, to the point where I noticed it pushing on my ear drums. I used a stall, all the while aware of these slight variations of normalcy, and by the time I was finished I was doing everything in my power to leave quickly. After exiting the stall, I was oddly compelled to use the sink instead of saying fuck it and bursting out of that creepy hellhole. I shouldn't have, but once I turned it on there was nothing to be done but let the pieces fall where they lay.

The sink was a just another piece in the jigsaw puzzle of weirdness this room had become. As the water ran and as I washed my hands and face, I was hypnotized into letting the thing run. I lost whatever little motor skill I had left and from that point forward could do nothing but stare slack-jawed as the sink filled up. The sink filled up and filled up some more, and when it over-filled, a gut-wrenching distortion of reality occurred. The water started pooling on the floor of the bathroom, but only on one specific area, near the front where I was standing. There was nothing obstructing the water from flowing to any other part of the room, but it was hemmed in by an invisible force and diverted towards the center. As the water ran, the room filled up more quickly. I began to come around when I realized the water had reached a point where it had soaked my shoes. I saw the level approaching the point where it would flow into an electrical outlet and began to panic as this particular outlet did not contain a GFCI circuit. I tried running towards the section of the room containing no water, but a sickening event took place. As I tried breaking through, I was blocked by an invisible, elastic force, presumably the same force that kept the water contained. The force manifest itself physically when I made a futile and panicked run for the unsubmerged portion of the room. It deformed and the water rushed in to fill the "gap" made by my charge, which surprised and sickened me, and caused me to bounce back and land, back first, complete with a loud and terrible splash into the drink. I sprang up in terror, immediately fixating on the electrical outlet situation and waited with mounting dread and despair for the water to hit the outlet, not knowing what to expect from the demon room. When the water reached that point, the pale fluorescent glow began to flicker wildly. I began to feel strange jolts going through my body, and although it didn't hurt I began feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I could do nothing at this point but slog my way to the sink and attempt to get to a higher spot to get out of the water, all the while feeling tiny spasms shoot up my legs. Before I even attempted to clamber my way onto the sink, however, the tiles in the floor parted to reveal a system of storm drains. At this point the water was nearly level with the sink and though I was a bit relieved about the situation, for some reason dream logic compelled me to be worried as the receding water would leave me vulnerable to a very nasty electric shock. I set myself in a superhero pose, preparing to bear the brunt of the shock. As my dream addled mind predicted, the zaps got more and more intense as the level receded lower and lower, but once the water was below the outlet's level I felt nothing else. For reasons that escape my conscious, rational mind I never thought to try the door to the place until after that point.

I awoke from the dream at precisely that point, and never got to find out what happened with our little operation, or what the point of us going to this room ever was. All I know is it stuck in my mind well enough and was eerie and creepy enough to deserve mention in some expressible format. So, to you internet, my love, I present my crazy haunted bathroom dream.